A high quality, high solids nitrocellulose furniture sealer for all types of wood. Suitable for overcoating with finishing lacquers and varnishes. Has excellent sanding properties after one hour. Not suitable for exterior use when exposed to sunlight. Do not use if wax or polish has been applied to wood previously.
Surface preparation: New- Ensure the surface is dry and cleaned free of all dirt, dust, grease, oil and other debris. Fill all cracks, holes, crevices with an appropriate wood filler. Rub filler down with abrasive paper to obtain a smooth, firm surface.
Previously Varnished: Remove all loose, semi-adherent, peeling, blistering and cracking old varnish, dirt, dust, grease, wax, oil and other debris. Fill all cracks, holes, crevices with an appropriate wood filler. Rub surface down with an abrasive paper obtain a smooth, firm surface.
Treatment of fungus infected areas: Treat fungus infection with diluted liquid household bleach. Wrince off thoroughly and allow to dry.
Application: New- Apply one coat by spray, thinning if necessary. In humid weather add 5% retarder to avoid blushing.
Plywood: Apply with 2-3 coats. Sand with abrasive paper between coats.
Before applying to oily woods, (e.g. Teak and Pitch Pine), wipe wood with Penta NC Lacquer thinner.
Note: Allow overnight to dry and rub down with fine abrasive paper between coats. Failure to seal with Clear Gloss Varnish will result in a white discolouration of Satin/Matt Varnish.
Not suitable for floors.
Drying time: Tack free 3 hours. Hard dry - overnight
Thinner: Thinner 42 for thinning and cleaning.